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Orange Juice

The PCOS health coach

Diagnosed with PCOS and still don’t have a full understanding of what you’re dealing with?


Still struggling with weight gain, mood swings, facial hair, acne, infertility or maybe even pre-diabetes, diabetes, hypertension or high cholesterol ?

It’s time to turn things around with the expert PCOS coach

Dr Gueye-Weinstein is a John’s Hopkins trained, board certified Obgyn who has helped thousands of women uncover and manage their PCOS and live as if they never had it!

Super Health Food

Complete transformation in 90 days :

✅ Complete PCOS meal plans
✅ PCOS specific exercise
✅ personalized PCOS supplement guide
✅ stress and mood management
✅ Complete hormone balancing



Complete a medical questionnaire to allow Dr. Gueye to create a personalized protocol


Schedule a 1:1 call with Dr. Gueye to review roadmap and recommendations 


Follow a weekly guide which includes a video session and quick worksheet


Schedule a 30 day and 90 day 1:1 check in (60 minutes)

BONUS : Text check in with Dr Gueye-Weinstein


Limited spots.Enrollment opens every 3 months.
Please note there are limited spots remaining for 
current cycle, next cycle opens February 2023*

Regular price $4997
Now $3997  for a limited time
Financing available

Susan H

“I finally lost weight after trying everything with other doctors! I no longer need bariatric surgery”

Anna L.

“I have more energy, lost weight, my skin is clear and my mood is better. Dr Gueye changed my life!”

Cindy M.

“I didn’t want to be on birth control. Dr Gueye gave me the blueprint to manage my hormones naturally and I finally feel better.”

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